Today is the day that this year’s pheasants will be released into the wild. Butch drives us out to the location of the brooders where we meet Ric and his band of merry men.

Cousin Ric champions a yearly project to raise pheasant chicks and release them on the land owned by members of the family. Somewhat similar to Ducks Unlimited, the organization that conserves waterfowl habitats, the project is funded by pheasant hunters who wish to maintain a natural balance. Today is the day that this year’s pheasants will be released into the wild. Butch drives us out to the location of the brooders where we meet Ric and his band of merry men. ![]() Each brooder has 60-70 pheasants which were purchased as chicks about seven weeks ago. They’ve been kept warm, fed, and watered and have grown significantly. The heater, water tank and sunscreen over the top of the brooder is removed and then the tops opened. Some pheasants fly out right away. Others crawl to the top before realizing they can fly (or walk) away. Then there’s a few that need to be prodded to leave. Hopefully most will survive in the wild, breed, and be seen again by the hunters in October in a year or two.
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March 2023