Our flights on Jet Blue and Icelandair are without an issue. The strategy of booking the window and aisle on the 3x3 seat configuration works out well for our five hour flight from Boston to Reykjavik. The middle seat is empty and we stretch out. We are scheduled to arrive in Reykjavik at 6 am local time, but only 1 am Eastern. I am able to catch a couple of hours of sleep, but William only has a short catnap.
I read that there is a bus service from the airport to the city center, but our initial intention is to just grab a taxi. The international airport is located quite a way from the city center. Upon inquiring I find out that a taxi ride is approximately $125 US, while the bus service that will drop us at our hotel is $18 per person. The bus it is!

We eat breakfast at the hotel then take a short walk. However, we are dragging and before too long we decide to return to the hotel and just camp out in the small lobby until our room is ready. At 10:45 we're told that the previous occupants have checked out and the front desk asks housekeeping to prioritize cleaning the room. I am not sure if the people at the front desk feel sorry for us or are alarmed by our occasional loud snoring or both. At any rate, by noon we receive our keys and have tucked ourselves in bed for a nap.

After a short walk back to our hotel we force ourselves to stay awake a few more hours and than it's lights out.