Gho Vanda leads us on to Baphuon as well as the Terrace of Elephants and other structures within the city.
We continue around the large city to Phimeanakas, a royal palace. By now we’re all pooped. Gho Vonda is extremely informative, but we are hot and tired. We walk to the air conditioned van and drive to a local restaurant for lunch.

It’s 3 pm when we exit Ta Prohm. Our itinerary says that we will go to a Homestay run by French chef tonight, which means we will have 45 minutes to 1 hour to rest at our hotel before getting back in the van. The group revolts! We are willing to skip the 40 minute ride and the dinner at the Homestay and just relax, doing dinner on our own. Gho Vanda makes some calls and swaps the dinners for tonight and tomorrow. Yeah! We have time to relax at the pool, nap and shower.
At 6:30 pm we go to a dinner show which features Dance of the Apsara. According to Hindu mythology, Apsaras were beautiful female creatures that descended from heaven to entertain Gods and Kings with their dance. There are different meanings in the hand gestures of the Khmer Dance, and the dance very gracefully tells different stories. The food is good and we enjoy the show.