Our first destination is Playa Estrella, or Starfish Bay. Maga takes us around the tip then motors up the western side of Isla Colon. I spot the area where the island narrows a little south of our condo. I have seen that there are homes(shacks) there, but now I get a view from the water. Most of the scenery is of beautiful turquoise water, blue skies and a lush shoreline of jungle. Occasionally we pass a house or lodge, such as Punta Caracol Aqua Lodge.
Around 12:30 we arrive at Playa Estrella. Maga pulls the catamaran up to the beach and sets the anchor, then tells us we are free to explore for about and hour - but do not touch the starfish. We jump off the back of the catamaran into the warm, clear water. This place is appropriately named - there are hundreds of starfish in the water, many just 10-15 feet from the shore. We walk along sharing the beach with the others who are out for the day and the four or five small beach restaurants and bars. A couple of places have small generators, a necessity for the blenders which whip up delightful cool drinks!
Soon we are pulling up anchor and headed toward our second stop, snorkeling by the coral. The winds are such that Maga decides to use the sails. It is a blissful afternoon and so quiet without the motors. Vic and Klaus are enlisted to help with the sailing, steering the boat and adjusting the ropes. Both have wide smiles. The rest of us kick back, chat, or take a short snooze.
The catamaran takes us off of Isla Solarte, near the Blue Coconut restaurant. The snorkel gear is pulled out of the bench and soon we are exploring the fish and coral. I enjoy swimming along side the schools of bright yellow fish. The coral is also amazing in various bright colors. After a bit we all climb back into the catamaran and set sail for Isla Colon. The sun is not so hot now, but it is a good time for another cool refreshment.
All too soon we are approaching the dock and the end of our trip. It was a delightful time and well worth the $45 per person. After we settle up our bill with Maga and say goodby to our new acquaintances from Germany and Italy we head over to El Pirate as we are all starving. We sit at a table out over the water and enjoy good food, good conversation and good friends.